Flutter is a hybrid framework created by Google in 2017 that combines the efficiency of cross-platform development with the natural and robust nature of native development. It enables us to design and build apps for both iOS and Android using the same codebase, slashing development times in half in some circumstances. In fact, there are a whole host of benefits to developing in Flutter.

Exquisite user experience

Flutter enables the design of flexible and expressive UI, and it certainly delivers on that promise. Developers can create amazing user interfaces thanks to a diverse set of reusable, configurable widgets. Furthermore, the inherent features of Flutter enable a smooth user experience and top-tier app performance.

Rapid time to store

Flutter, being a cross-platform mobile development solution, significantly shortens app delivery time. Because it makes one code reusable across two target platforms, it helps businesses minimise delivery time and grab audiences on both Android and iOS.

Savings on development costs

Working with one codebase rather than two always helps to reduce total project costs; hence, cost-efficiency is one of Flutter's most enticing aspects. The technology enables considerable savings by simplifying development and cutting app delivery time, increasing the application's return on investment.

Great Brands Using Flutter
Check out some of the fantastic apps we've developed with Flutter


Streamlines Ticketing and Event Management


a cab user app


a cab driver App


A Satisfied Client of KDS Application

Dino Tales

Solution for Life-Saving Access

Scanner App

An Astology Application


A Satisfied Client of KDS Application


Solution for Life-Saving Access

Bhrugu Astrology

An Astology Application

Google Wallet

a wallet app

Mind Peace

an app designed for mental and physical well-being

Groovy App

a scheduling, social networking app